Thursday, January 21, 2010

Presentation Design

Our last project was a Presentation Design. We had to make a power point on a non-profit organization or charity, but we had to make it look good. I used Youth For Christ Winnipeg. We were allowed to use any program for this project, we just had to assemble it together in InDesign and then turn it into a PDF slideshow. The only other program I used was Photoshop. I made 12 slides. 

Packaging Design

For this project, we had to find a box template and redesign a product with a nicer packaging design. I chose incense sticks. We had to do the whole project on Illustrator. We weren't allowed to have any images on our box. I used a gradient that went from the main colour to white, so that the image would blend in better. Then we had to print out our templates and actually build the boxes we designed.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Children's Book

For this project we had to re-design a popular children's book cover. I chose to do The Mixed-Up Chameleon. I used Illustrator. This project was really fun because we were designing for kids and kids like lots of colours and funny pictures.